“Eldritch Curve” is a horror mystery game set in the small apartment of a recently murdered alchemist. In this Lovecraftian experience, the player is tasked with investigating the alchemist's life and death through a series of environment puzzles and memo collecting.

Current prototype was made in 2 weeks for the Pirate Software Jam 2024. It showcases some of the main ideas of the initial game concept, which is described in detail in this GDD:


wasd - movement<br>

e - interact/pick up/read/use/read book in hand<br>

q - drop; close the reading window

LMB/RMB, A/D, <-/-> - previous page / next page (when in reading window)

esc - open/close the menu; close the reading window


EldritchCurveWindows.zip 70 MB


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Love the atmosphers in this game. Always enjoy getting yelled at by an angry german guy 10/10